-1 101 Z One of Anuradhapura's many monasteries, the Abhayagiri vihara was centred on the Abhayagiri stupa (relic mound). Founded in the 1st century BC, its vast enclosure included a refectory and assembly hall, numerous shrines and residential buildings. Among the finest remains are richly carved urinals.
#Abhayagiri monastery, Urinal
2 101 A One of Anuradhapura's many monasteries, the Abhayagiri vihara was centred on the Abhayagiri stupa (relic mound). Founded in the 1st century BC, its vast enclosure included a refectory and assembly hall, numerous shrines and residential buildings. Among the finest remains are richly carved urinals.
#Abhayagiri monastery, Urinal
1 102 D Among the finest surviving remains at Anuradhapura are the sculptured slabs placed at the entrance to buildings. Called moonstones from their semi-circular shape, they normally depict the Buddhist four noble beasts (lion, bull, elephant and horse) representing the four points of the compass, and the goose, representing the zenith.